Replace front page.
Include links to For Sale page on front page, tips page, and galleries page.
Must also work on listings for EBAY and put ebay link on For Sale page.
Exploring the balancing act of being a full-time artist and stay-at-home mom.
One of the biggest advantages of working alone is also one of the biggest disadvantages. You get a lot of time to think, and it is not always productive thought… Sure there are the moments when you find yourself thinking, “If I move the hole on these vessels from here to over here, I won’t have to spend so much time repairing them before they can be fired.” Or those times when you think, “If I started a bead like this and then instead of finishing it the way that I usually do I did thus and such instead…”
All too often, however, you find yourself thinking about things completely unrelated to what you’re doing… Or maybe I’m universalizing my own experiences. As an example, I spent part of today, while I was working on shell vessels for the show next weekend, imagining a conversation between my sister-in-law and myself. The two of us have communicated more since Sprout’s birth than in the rest of the twelve years that her brother and I have been married, but we still don’t have much to say to each other. It’s nothing personal, I’m sure, we’re just in different places. (Geographically and otherwise)
I’m very much in favor of the thinking that leads me in new directions, and maybe I should try to email my sister-in-law just to say hi and to send her a picture of her brother and her niece. I’m just suddenly aware of how much time I spend inside my own head.
All-in-all, today was a very productive day. Sprout was very cooperative, playing in her “megasaucer” and napping in her portable swing. I feel a little less panicked about the show next weekend. I have 16 shell vessels drying so that I can clean them for bisque firing. I have a bunch of half-moon vessels started and waiting for necks and holes. The three amphorae with handles are dry and in a bead bowl awaiting the bisque firing.
I have an ophthalmologist appointment on Tuesday. I plan on doing a bisque firing on Tuesday since it is a thing that I can do without the ability to see clearly. (just incase they put drops or something in my eyes that further blurs my vision.) I may need to do a bisque on Sunday as well, in which case I will glaze fire Monday and I can make things in the studio on both Sunday and Monday while monitoring the kiln downstairs.
Yesterday was not the day that it should have been. I'm not complaining or pointing fingers. It's just a fact. With a show a week away and little in the way of stock to take to the show, I should be spending every day in the studio making beads and vessels to take to my show... Unfortunately, I live in the real world and the fact that I'm my own boss often means that I'm the best person to call when a friend has an emergency. So, instead of making beads and vessels, I took a cat to the vet, went to the ceramic supplier to get clay and ran a few errands.
I needed to get the clay yesterday or today anyway. I need it for my "Clay Date" at the Art Garden on Saturday morning. The "Clay Dates" are an ongoing ceramics group which meets at a local independent arts center. For a moderate fee, participants get to come together and play in the mud for a few hours. Clay, glazes and tools are provided and Kim and/or I are available to answer questions. I will ***NOT*** be teaching at the Clay Dates. I'll answer questions and perhaps make a suggestion here or there, but I'll also be working on my own pieces. Sprout will probably get to spend the time with her daddy.
I have access to a car for the next week or so, which will make getting ready for the show a little easier. I'm hoping to make some arrangements for Sprout care so that I can put in some concentrated/uninterrupted production time. Either way, everything will work out as it needs to.