03 June 2005


Yesterday was not the day that it should have been. I'm not complaining or pointing fingers. It's just a fact. With a show a week away and little in the way of stock to take to the show, I should be spending every day in the studio making beads and vessels to take to my show... Unfortunately, I live in the real world and the fact that I'm my own boss often means that I'm the best person to call when a friend has an emergency. So, instead of making beads and vessels, I took a cat to the vet, went to the ceramic supplier to get clay and ran a few errands.

I needed to get the clay yesterday or today anyway. I need it for my "Clay Date" at the Art Garden on Saturday morning. The "Clay Dates" are an ongoing ceramics group which meets at a local independent arts center. For a moderate fee, participants get to come together and play in the mud for a few hours. Clay, glazes and tools are provided and Kim and/or I are available to answer questions. I will ***NOT*** be teaching at the Clay Dates. I'll answer questions and perhaps make a suggestion here or there, but I'll also be working on my own pieces. Sprout will probably get to spend the time with her daddy.

I have access to a car for the next week or so, which will make getting ready for the show a little easier. I'm hoping to make some arrangements for Sprout care so that I can put in some concentrated/uninterrupted production time. Either way, everything will work out as it needs to.

1 comment:

Daria Schaffnit said...

The "clay dates" are such a good idea! I hope y'all get a wonderful response.

Daria, who needs to schedule some more joy playshops